Opening times

  • White House Farm Medical Centre

    Day Opening hours
    Thursday 27 June
    8am to 6pm
    Friday 28 June
    8am to 6pm
    Saturday 29 June
    Sunday 30 June
    Monday 1 July
    8am to 6pm
    Tuesday 2 July
    8am to 6pm
    Wednesday 3 July
    8am to 6pm

Training Closures

During most months usually on Wednesday afternoons, the surgery will be closed for staff training and development.  When this training occurs the practice will be closed from 12 noon, re-opening the following morning at 8am.

If you need help when we are closed

Patients wishing to access the services of a doctor between 6pm and 8am should telephone the surgery number 01302 831437. Your call will be diverted automatically to the Doncaster Emergency Out-of-Hours Service which is available for medical emergencies when the surgery is closed or during weekends and bank holidays.  This service does not accept requests for repeat prescriptions.

There is also the Same Day Health Centre which is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week from 8am to 8pm - Call 0300 123 3103

Out-of-hours services are generally busy so please think carefully before asking to see a doctor and only do so if you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.

In a genuine emergency you should call 999. Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.


GP Extended Hours

Extra appointments are being provided in the evening and at weekends across Doncaster. The service is an extension of your GP practice and offers routine and same day appointments with a range of clinicians including GP's, Nurses and other Healthcare professionals.

When using this service you may not see your usual doctor, but clinicians from local practices are employed wherever possible.

With your consent the clinicians will be able to access your healthcare record to ensure they can offer the right treatment for you and prescribe medications or refer you for further treatment if necessary.

These appointments are run by Primary Care Doncaster Limited 

We can book appointments for you at reception - please ask for further details